Memorial Guest Book postings:
Name: Arlena Harmony
Date: August 23, 2005
I have lots of neat memories of Donna when the Ivany family lived near us in San Mateo. We grew up together for several of our school years, and our two families got together for dinners, birthdays, and just having fun together. I miss Donna, and those precious childhood days.Name: Aunty Shirley
Date: May 24, 2004
How I well remember that weeks camping trip to Memorial Park ... Just me and six wild kids ... I can still hear the Park Ranger yelling at me "Is this here your noisy Group Mame" He bauled us all out for screaming while running down the hill in the dark on our way back to camp. I also remember picking ticks off of Donna after we had been through an old cemetary... Of all the kids she was the whimppiest at camping ... She had a great wit though ....We had a good many laughs together ... God bless herName: Alex Botham
Date: April 18, 2004
It was great to see the pictures of Donna and my father Leslie from when they were kids.Name: Leslie Botham
Date: April 17, 2004